I just want to say
If this didn't end so abruptly, maybe had a to be continued button, and had a preloader, I can almost guarantee this would have gotten a 4 average, a daily feature, and maybe even the front page because the movie was phenomenal!
as for the preloader, even though the movie is "not compatible". It can still be done. Just export the movie as a quicktime movie, import it into flash, put it on the second frame as a movie clip, put the preloader on the first frame, do a little programming, and there you have it. There are plenty of other movies on newgrounds that were made with other programs but still had preloaders. For example all of knox's klaymations. If you want the specifics look it up. However, I highly advise you resubmit this with a preloader and an icon because if you do it will surely succeed. Good luck.
PS gave you a 5/5